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Kristin wears a low cut red gown with silver Y necklace. She poses in front of the CAPS association banner.

Presentation Topics

Kristin stands next to white mantle wearing a short rose wrap dress and vintage pearl necklace.

.. knowledgeable, genuine, humorous, and engaging!

Kristin was a pleasure to have... Her passion for helping people in their mental health journey shone through!

Joe Teo
CEO, HeyOrca

Stage shot of Kristin, arms extended, triumphant closed-mouth smile. Blue dress, long hair.

Looking for a Panel of Workplace Experts?

Visit for Kristin's collaboration with invisible disabilities expert Jason Reid and psychologist Marjorie Aunos.

Line up of speaker photos from; Jason Reid, Marjorie Aunos, and Kristin Light.

Living Happily Ever Average:
Satisfying Secrets from a Suicidal Showgirl

For those of us living with relentless suicidal ideations, we know that 'happily ever after' is a fictional tale as old as time.


In the real-life version, the adversity we face is not one magically overcome by a new dress or a fresh perspective. Our persistent ruminations are not silenced by sunshine or solved by distraction. And well-meaning doctors are no more the heroes than we are the villain.


Life is more a multi-volume chronicle than a single story; a choose-your-own-adventure with countless twists and turns, climaxes, and conclusions. If such a tale called for only one satisfactory ending, then would it still be worth reading?


With this dynamic and inspirational new presentation, award-winning speaker (and psych ward regular) Kristin Light tackles the trope of the suicide attempt survivor overcoming adversity to live happily ever after – instead exploring the very real possibility of multiple relapses, despite well-intentioned efforts to the contrary. She demystifies major depression and the neurodivergent overlap with a few made up mashups, reframing our measure of achievement from the lofty end goal to instead the very act of pressing on.


A theatrical dance specialist and delightful dork, Kristin draws on classic literary tropes and jazz-age flair to share her personal story of persistent survival, unpacking old myths and sharing new secrets so that we may all enjoy a fighting chance at finding balance after breaking down – no matter how many chapters we may face along the way.


* Presentation includes optional audience participation segment involving a vintage dance sampling.



60-90 minutes
Available & Optional


Keynote Speaker; Invisible Disabilities; Mental Health; Mental Illness; Mood Disorders; Suicide Prevention; Resilience; Neurotypical; Neurodivergent; Neurodiversity; Self-acceptance; Equity; Inclusion; Diversity; DEI;  Productivity; Inclusivity; Performing Arts


Attendees will gain a broader understanding of the unique scope of challenges faced by individuals coping with mental illness, suicidal ideations, and other mental health struggles; and the subsequent epidemic of shame felt by survivors in the face of relapse. We will explore specific strategies for embracing these particulars and approaching each day with compassion, empathy, and a new zest for life.


The Neuro-Affirmative Advantage:
Improving Employee Engagement by Embracing Neurodiversity

Unlock the potential of a truly engaged workforce, where every employee feels safe to show up and contribute as their authentic selves!


A whopping 15-20% of the world's population identifies as neurodivergent, offering a spectrum of unique perspectives, talents, and strengths. While these differences can certainly enrich teams with fresh insights and innovative approaches, society's barriers and limitations have added many invisible hurdles for these skilled professionals.


Whether you're aware of it or not, you’re already working alongside talented neurodivergent individuals, making now the perfect time to embrace this incredible opportunity for growth and  inclusion, propelling your organization forward.


By refining your engagement strategies to foster a neuro-inclusive culture, you can create a space where all employees thrive. This not only safeguards the well-being of your team but also drives greater productivity and creativity—all without adding to staffing costs.


Kristin Light, a multiply-neurodivergent expert in neuro-affirmative employee engagement, brings a vibrant and fresh perspective to this timely discussion. Her approach combines a handful of LEGO® bricks with practical insights and vivacious humour, guiding today’s organizations to unlock the true potential of an inclusive and engaged workplace.



60-90 minutes
Available & Optional


Invisible Disabilities; Mental Health; Resilience; Neurotypical; Neurodivergent; Neurodiversity; Self-acceptance; Equity; Inclusion; Diversity; DEI;  Psychological Safety; Productivity; Inclusivity; Employee Engagement; Employee Experience


Attendees will gain basic knowledge of neurodiversity, neurodivergent challenges, and psychological safety within modern workplaces; understand the effect unaccommodated neurodivergent challenges can have on workplace deliverables and overall employee engagement; and embrace practical strategies to protect your workforce and expand output potential without increasing staffing costs.


Inclusive Invitations for Equitable Events:
Promoting Accessibility for Guests with Invisible Disabilities

“This event is fully accessible.” – This much-lauded phrase is undoubtedly a welcome addition to event marketing, however most planners are shocked to learn that the accessibility it generally infers only covers about 4% of guests with disabilities; namely those using wheelchairs or other visible mobility aids. The other 96% with chronic medical conditions live with invisible disabilities; including physical, mental, and neurological challenges.


With 1 in 10 falling into this latter category, they represent an enormous population of untapped potential event attendees that planners and promoters may be inadvertently excluding.


Kristin Light, event marketing veteran and invisible disabilities advocate, shares the tangible tweaks and subtle changes we can all make to improve the inclusiveness and accessibility of our live events for folks with invisible disabilities, thus welcoming the other 96% to the party!


* Presentation is available with either broad accessibility in mind, or strictly neurodivergent accessibility.



45-60 minutes
Available & Optional


Invisible Disabilities; Accessibility; Mental Health; Mental Illness; Mood Disorders; Neurodivergent; Accommodations; Acceptance; Inclusivity; Leadership; Event Planning; Event Marketing


Attendees will gain a broader understanding of the unique scope of challenges faced by adults living with invisible disabilities; steps to address these challenges in event design; and subtle marketing tweaks to improve accessibility and inclusivity during the pre-event sales process.


Minding Matters of the Mind:
Embracing Mental Illness & Neurodiversity at Work

ASD, MDD, GAD, OMG! That alphabet soup refers to my little corner of the equity and inclusion landscape; invisible disabilities of the mind.


Up to 20% of folks are in someway neurodivergent, while nearly 50% of all mid-career professionals have, or have had, a mental illness; yet the majority still aren’t comfortable disclosing either to their employer or colleagues, fearing judgement, exclusion, and even job loss as a result – and the repercussions can be devastating. 


The path to building an inclusive and sustainable workplace must include embracing differences of the mind in all forms; from the neurotypical to neurodivergent characteristics such as ADHD, dyslexia, and the Autism spectrum; plus mental health challenges such as depression, anxiety, and traumatic stress disorders. But how can we navigate this turbulent new landscape while preserving our own ability to keep going?


Regardless of your mind’s unique particulars, all 100% of us have mental health to consider; and yours matters at every single point of life’s spicy spectrum. This engaging presentation is designed to help us appreciate and embrace our colourful cognitive variances to achieve more balanced, productive, and fulfilling professional relationships.


With decades of experience living (and thriving) with both mental and cognitive disabilities, workplace neuroinclusion specialist Kristin Light reveals tangible impact in today’s professional environments by bringing genuine perspective, conscientious guidance, and a much-needed dose of levity to this delicate and timely conversation.



60 minutes
Available & Optional


Keynote Speaker; Invisible Disabilities; Mental Health; Mental Illness; Mood Disorders; Neuroatypical; Neurodivergent; Neurodiversity; Workplace Accommodations; Acceptance; Equity; Inclusion; Diversity; DEI;  Productivity; Inclusivity; Forward-Thinking; Leadership


Attendees will gain a broader understanding of the unique scope of challenges faced by professionals coping with mental illness and/or neurodiversity, with specific strategies for embracing these particulars and supporting their employees and colleagues with trust, respect, and creative innovation.

Talking Heads: Discussing Mental Health
Conversation Starters for Professional Environments

Nearly 50% of all mid-career professionals have, or have had, a mental illness; yet the majority aren’t comfortable disclosing this to their employer, fearing judgement, exclusion, and even job loss as a result. While those of us navigating mental- or neuro-diversity face significant daily challenges and obstacles, we have so much to offer today’s workforce if permitted to flourish around those barriers. 


How can employees best communicate their unique needs while respecting their health privacy boundaries; and how can managers proactively support the diverse requirements of their talented team to sustainably encourage both productivity and morale?


Does the classic stigma against mental illness still hold power over our career trajectories, or is it truly all in our head?


With decades of experience living (and thriving) with both physical and mental disabilities, former-CMO and business-owner Kristin Light reveals tangible impact in today’s professional workforce by bringing genuine perspective, conscientious guidance, and a much-needed dose of levity to this delicate conversation.



45-60 minutes
Available & Optional


Invisible Disabilities; Mental Health; Mental Illness; Mood Disorders; Neuroatypical; Neurodivergent; Workplace Accommodations; Acceptance; Productivity; Inclusivity; Forward-Thinking; Leadership


Attendees will gain a broader understanding of the unique scope of challenges faced by professionals coping with mental illness and/or neurodiversity, with specific strategies for embracing these particulars and supporting their employees and colleagues with trust, respect, and creative innovation.

Embracing Neurodiversity at Work
Universal Design for Minds of All Kinds

A whopping 15-20% of the world's population identifies as neurodivergent, or having a spectrum of brain characteristics different enough from the majority to be categorically disabling. And while such differences can bring unique perspectives, talents, and advantages to an organization, society's many barriers and limitations have added many invisible hurdles for these skilled professionals.


But how do we navigate a landscape that is so new for so many people?


This session was created to shed light on the types of challenges experienced by adults living with neurodivergent characteristics, to provide an update on current terminology and debates, and to share tried and true tips on how to tweak communication styles to ensure more inclusive and respectful discussions.


With more than two decades of experience living (and thriving) with both physical and cognitive disabilities, workplace neuroinclusion specialist Kristin Light reveals tangible impact in today’s professional environments by bringing genuine perspective, conscientious guidance, and a much-needed dose of levity to this delicate conversation.


* Presentation includes optional audience participation using the LEGO® Serious Play methodology. LEGO® bricks carry an extra charge, and may be kept by audience members as a memento.



45-60 minutes
Available & Optional


Invisible Disabilities; Mental Health; Neuroatypical; Neurodivergent; Workplace Accommodations; Acceptance; Productivity; Inclusivity; Forward-Thinking; Leadership


Attendees will gain a broader understanding of the unique scope of challenges faced by professionals coping with neurodivergent challenges, with specific strategies for embracing these particulars and supporting their employees and colleagues with trust, respect, and creative innovation.

Logo - LEGO Serious Play


Kristin is a certified facilitator in this ground-breaking methodology; a powerful tool designed to enhance innovation and business performance, transforming insight and awareness into commitment and shared goals. Click to learn more.

  • Session Icebreakers

  • Conference Openings

  • Neuroinclusive Meetings

  • Team Building

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Difficult Discussions

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